Works Progress Administration
Works Progress Administration is the organization created in May 1935 by Presidential order. It was set for help people who were unemployment to had a job during the Great Depression in United States and gave them income. The organization built many public buildings, roads,highways, public buildings, airports, utilities, small dams, sewers, parks, libraries and the large arts project.
The organization provided the job for the blue-collar workers and the white-collar.They also provided the job for black people and women because the goal of the Works Progress Administrationwas was employ most of the unemployed people on relief until the economy recovered.The wages to employee was based on their skill and location of their hometown and limit for1 person to 30 hours or less a week of work.
The weakness point was delay payment and slow performance because they had a deep organization that make them spend a lo of time to sand the order to the staff in organization.
The weakness point was delay payment and slow performance because they had a deep organization that make them spend a lo of time to sand the order to the staff in organization.
In 1940 Works Progress Administration changed policy to train the unemployment to become skilled worker and able to work in factory.
The Congress was shut down the Works Progress Administration in the late 1943 because the onset of war production in WW II.
I think Works Progress Administration is a great organization because they set Works Progress Administration to help people who have no job and they give them a job and income without bias and base on their skill.Also they give job for black people and the women that show the organization concern with equality of the people, they give opportunity to every people to do the job.It's good that they help each others in the same country when they met the very hard time.It's a geart idea to help them because if they didn't help those od people they had no money and the murder will increase the make the situation goes harder and the get the benefit 2 sides the country have worker to build public buliding and others instructure and the worker get the wages.I love the goal of the organization that the give people to do job without bias whateverthey are they still hire them no matter they are black or women they can do the job that very good organization.
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